As president of the Association of Mid-Council leaders, I’m working to identify the mid-council leaders and staff across the country. in-C‘s national directory has been a godsend! In my opinion EVERY presbytery could benefit from using in-C. Thanks again for a great product.
Rev. Craig M. Howard, Presbytery Leader
Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy
July 2020
Presbytery of Giddings Lovejoy
July 2020
I love working with this database!!
Raymond Meester, Stated Clerk
Homestead Presbytery
June 2020
Homestead Presbytery
June 2020
I think the database you have developed is amazing – better than any I have worked with for a presbytery.
Ken Hockenberry, Stated Clerk
Chicago Presbytery
November 2019
Chicago Presbytery
November 2019
I have loved working with in-C. The best part for me is that I can securely work on it from anywhere! The level of detailed information that is in one place for all of our staff to access anytime is a wonderful asset to our presbytery. The customized lookups and phenomenal customer support can’t be beaten. I wish we had switched over to in-C sooner!
Theodora Pounds, Editor
Presbytery of New Covenant
May 2017
Presbytery of New Covenant
May 2017
I can’t begin to tell you how much in-C has helped with our communications needs in the immediate aftermath of Harvey and with our ongoing recovery efforts.
Mary Marcotte, Associate General Presbyter
Presbytery of New Covenant
September 2017
Presbytery of New Covenant
September 2017
in-C has been an invaluable addition to our presbytery office. We went from a complicated system that one or two people used only when absolutely necessary to a straightforward system that is the backbone of our support of, and communication with, congregations and ministers.
The Presbytery Web Directory functionality has been a gift to the presbytery even beyond the office, as people can now look up contact information for themselves without having to wait for the office to be available to respond!
The conversion and setup process was worth the time, effort, and expense, as we are now able to retrieve data and connect with people in ways that we almost couldn’t imagine before.
Support is efficient, responsive, and very helpful, with new lookups to get relevant information only an email or call away.
Excellent new features keep getting added month after month, so the value to us only keeps going up!
Having now used four different database systems on staff in two different presbyteries, I am convinced that in-C has the best implementation of the features that presbyteries need to further their mission of supporting congregations in their witness to the Gospel.
The Presbytery Web Directory functionality has been a gift to the presbytery even beyond the office, as people can now look up contact information for themselves without having to wait for the office to be available to respond!
The conversion and setup process was worth the time, effort, and expense, as we are now able to retrieve data and connect with people in ways that we almost couldn’t imagine before.
Support is efficient, responsive, and very helpful, with new lookups to get relevant information only an email or call away.
Excellent new features keep getting added month after month, so the value to us only keeps going up!
Having now used four different database systems on staff in two different presbyteries, I am convinced that in-C has the best implementation of the features that presbyteries need to further their mission of supporting congregations in their witness to the Gospel.
Rev. C. Anderson James
Associate for Small Church Ministries and Technology
Presbytery of New Hope
May 2017
Associate for Small Church Ministries and Technology
Presbytery of New Hope
May 2017
When some of us from our Presbytery met Alan and heard about in-C and what it could do for us, we immediately went to our committee and encouraged then to sign up for this service. The cost of the service has been minimal because it has saved us so much time in preparing, printing, and mailing of directories; updating corrections in the directories; keeping churches up to date with information; having a precise map online of our churches; and so much more. The transition from our old database to in-C was very smooth as in-C did most of the work for us. We couldn’t be happier. We look forward to learning so much more that this program can do for us in the future.
Edd Breeden, Treasurer
San Jose Presbytery
May 2017
San Jose Presbytery
May 2017
I had created my own database for the presbytery, as I could not find anything that was created especially for presbyteries. Not being an expert in creating databases, my creation was very limited and required too much of my time. When I saw in-C, I knew it was what we needed. I love working with it. I find it user-friendly, comprehensive, and flexible. Their help desk is very responsive. It is the database I need as a stated clerk. I really like the ability to have a directory on our web page without all the work of putting one together. I can work with it from anywhere, which is great in this time of working from home.
Raymond Meester, Stated Clerk
Homestead Presbytery
June 2020
Homestead Presbytery
June 2020
in-C has met and exceeded our database requirements for Coastal Carolina. Having a link from our website to in-C‘s Presbytery Web Directory allows our ministers and churches to have up-to-date information and has eliminated printing directories. The transition was smooth and Alan was an email or phone call away when the staff needed assistance. We are thrilled with our investment and its possibilities for our Presbytery!
Jan Krause, Administrative/Financial Assistant
Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
May 2017
Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
May 2017
Coastal Carolina is delighted with the look and feel of our new Presbytery database. Alan and his team have been very easy to work with as we transferred the data from our old system to in-C. Not only were we able to do what we have always done, but the new platform offers many additional tools and resources – not the least of which is the ability to create a group of email addresses of committee members. We have been completely blown away with how quickly questions, suggestions, and tweaks have been handled by Alan and the clarity with which he communicates with us. Go for it! You’ll be glad you did.
Bill Reinhold, General Presbyter
Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
May 2017
Presbytery of Coastal Carolina
May 2017
in-C provides formidable support for the interrelated needs of our committees and presbytery-wide communication. Alan Densmore’s accessibility and cheerful assistance offers Salem Presbytery more than a uniquely robust database. His service fosters what we Presbyterians love and champion: connectivity.
Rev. Bryan F. McFarland, Communications Coordinator,
Hunger Action Advocate, East Neighborhood Associate Presbyter
Salem Presbytery
November 2016
Hunger Action Advocate, East Neighborhood Associate Presbyter
Salem Presbytery
November 2016
Having a link from our website to in-C‘s Presbytery Web Directory allows our ministers, church administrative personnel and church members to have up-to-date information and has eliminated printing directories. Alan is always an email or phone call away whenever I need assistance or just have a quick question. I find in-C very easy to use and to manage.
Natasha Jackson
Administrative Assistant
San Jose Presbytery
May 2017
Administrative Assistant
San Jose Presbytery
May 2017
When the question is asked, “Can you do this… or make this change here?”
the answer is, “Yes we can!” thanks to Alan Densmore and in-C.
the answer is, “Yes we can!” thanks to Alan Densmore and in-C.
Kim Nichols, Technology and Database Consultant
Salem Presbytery
October 2016
Salem Presbytery
October 2016
I highly recommend using in-C and the included Presbytery Web Directory. As a former manager of a software design team and an ordained minister I can say with confidence that you will find that the
customer service exceeds even the strengths of the product itself.
customer service exceeds even the strengths of the product itself.
Rev. Noelle Damico, Communications Director
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
Even now, months later, Alan continues to return phone calls and emails within a short time, unlike MOST vendors that I work with.
Lynn Garis, Executive Assistant to the General Presbyter,
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
In the past it could take three people to perform every change, update, and upload. Now, when the change is made once in in-C the person’s information is changed in: the Directory, the Pulpit Supply List, the Committee Rosters, our Groups, and our Contacts, right then! Having our presbytery database with in-C is streamlining our process for updates, allowing us to contact the people of our presbytery more effectively. We are able to see the presbytery in new and exciting ways, from keeping in touch with people who need to renew their contracts, to knowing who to congratulate on their many years of service since their ordination. I personally recommend using in-C to support your ministry and mission.
Kim Nichols, Technology and Database Consultant
Salem Presbytery
October 2016
Salem Presbytery
October 2016
This software was designed out of the day-to-day functioning of a busy presbytery office – it was not designed abstractly. It has a clear advantage to off the shelf products as a result; it is proven and customized for a Presbyterian environment.
Rev. Noelle Damico, Communications Director
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
in-C is very user-friendly compared to our previous database software. It is like visiting a modern website as opposed to antiquated software that hasn’t been updated since the 90’s. It is very intuitive and logically laid out, with the data we use most often right under our fingertips.
Lynn Garis, Executive Assistant to the General Presbyter,
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
I’ve found in-C very easy to use because it’s organized according to categories that make sense for a church organization. The categories allow us to sort and search for data in a meaningful way, and the information returned easily conveys important relationships and dates.
Rev. Noelle Damico, Communications Director
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
While in-C may cost a bit more than our former database software, in-C also provides SO MUCH more that it did! We feel confident that we are getting the most accurate and up to date information each time we enter. Also, the tech support we have received has been outstanding! They are ready to help with any issue and are very open to suggestions as we see what might be even more helpful for our presbytery.
Lynn Garis, Executive Assistant to the General Presbyter,
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
in-C is a vast improvement over our previous product, ACS. It is flexible, easy to manage and much more accessible to all of our staff. Response time from the in-C team is exceptional. The Presbytery Web Directory has connected us throughout the Presbytery which is more efficient, always available and saves staff time.
Elder Jean L. Kaiser, Administrative Assistant
Hudson River Presbytery
August 2016
Hudson River Presbytery
August 2016
There are four office staff who have access to in-C and it has enabled us to access information quickly and efficiently for a variety of tasks. It’s improved our ability to manage inputting and updating of data.
Rev. Noelle Damico, Communications Director
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
We had our old database for 7 years, and most of the office staff had given up on it. It has taken some time, and continues to take effort to “retrain” them to use in-C in staff meetings, but co-workers that had given up on the database are beginning to realize how easy the information is to access, and HOW MUCH information is at their fingertips. Little by little they go to in-C on their own, and I find I am answering more questions about how in-C works rather than what someone’s email or phone number is!
Lynn Garis, Executive Assistant to the General Presbyter,
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
Associate General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Grace Presbytery
June 2016
We implemented the in-C Presbytery Web Directory in the fall of 2014 and I continue to receive email and verbal appreciation for how this Directory has helped to build community and understanding throughout our presbytery … It has been of enormous help to the membership at large – providing increased transparency in governance, as people can both see who is on a committee and with one click communicate with them via email or another method, and ease of use, making information available via the web from anywhere with a secure passphrase.
Rev. Noelle Damico, Communications Director
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
Hudson River Presbytery
May 2016
*December 2017 note: We’ve updated/changed our reviews to reflect |cbase|‘s new name, in-C®